Relationship Coach Kevin Decker

Kevin works with couples that want to reap the benefits of a healthy, long term marriage. You live longer, make more money, have happier children, and have a better sex life.

Working with Kevin:

You create a relationship with…

•    Clarity – Couples have a clear understanding of expectations for how to deal with each other.
•    Communication – You learn skills and strategies to deal with each other collaboratively and cooperatively.
•    Respect – Strategies are in place to maximize the efficiency of communicating.
•    Appreciation – Each person is valued for their individual and collaborative contributions.

You achieve these results…

•    More communication – You share what’s going on in ways that are understood and appreciated
•    More focus – you do more of the right things because you understand what to do and how to do it
•    More energy – couples are enthusiastic about their marriage and their life

Unless you’re a rock, you will learn lots of very useful (and fun) ways to get closer to the one you love. Very Rewarding! – Ed G.

How we might help you…

– Individual Coaching for improved relationships
– Educational classes, seminars, and teleseminars
– Group Coaching
– Speeches, Presentations, or breakouts for your company, association, or group

This class helped my wife and I better understand our feelings and commitments to each other.  – Mike W.

Kevin is co-author of the bestselling book Romantic Antics and co-creator of He is a member of The Coalition for Marriage, Family and Couples Education.

Kevin is the oldest of 21 children with a father that has been married 6 times. Kevin got married and divorced. After much reflection, counseling, and coaching he made a decision to change the family legacy and learn how to create a great marriage. Every day Kevin works to “Get Marriage Right” and share what he’s learned.